2021-2022 Winners

  • First Place — $5000 winners — LoboEats

    The main goal of the app is to connect students with offices that have food leftover from catered events with the dual purpose of preventing food waste and feeding hungry Lobos!

    LoboEats Team: Sarita Cargas, Emily Castle, Amiah Dutra, Jane Keth, Biraj Silwal (UNM)

  • Second Place — $2,500 winners — NM Trails

    Informational website detailing hiking trails in New Mexico. Users can add trails to a hike list and rate trails based on difficulty and enjoyment. Also provides information about the trail including its location, length, and user submitted ratings/difficulty.

    NM Trails Team: Cyrus McCormick, Chris Medlin (UNM)

  • Third Place — $1000 winners — Interview Prep

    This app is designed to help prospective employees in the IT field and interviewers prepare for the big day. Coming with preset questions and self-created interview quizzes, a user can comfortably practice for a variety of different interviews. A custom question feature makes it accessible for interviewers to use, quizzing applicants on whatever they seek to know.

    Interview Prep Team: Cindy Nikolai, Zac Ramsey, Sergio Valdez (CNM)

  • Honorable Mention — Howl

    Howl is a social media app designed specifically for UNM students. Those who are interested in creating an account will have to sign up with their UNM email address. The purpose of Howl is to connect students across campus who might otherwise not ever meet.

    Howl Team: Kellen Nee, Aaron Talamante, Pete Talamante, Riley Tarman (UNM)