Date | Event | Details |
October 31 11:59pm | Registration Closes | |
November 1st 5:30-7 | CNM Meet Up | Interested in coding or learning how to develop apps and websites? This group is to help support people interested in getting into the tech field, specifically interested in becoming programmers and developers. Join the Meet Up via Zoom! |
November 23rd 11:59pm | This confirmation registration form will collect information on your team and your mobile app and is required to participate in the contest. | |
December 5th 1:30-5:00pm | Adobe XD Session | Please register at: |
December 8th 11:59pm | Adobe XD Project Due | |
January 4 at 11:59pm | Mobile App Submissions Due | Ensure that has been invited to your code repository (e.g. GitHub, Bitbucket, etc) before the final submission of your app. Prior to the deadline, email the link to your code repository to and indicate that your Mobile App is ready for review. |
January 9-19 | Mandatory Practice Sessions AND Pre-recorded Demo Due | Finalists will be required to attend one mandatory practice session with the Mobile Apps team prior to Presentation Day. This practice session will be scheduled when we contact you to schedule your Presentation Day time slot. You will need to bring your pre-recorded demo. . |
January 27 at 1-3:30pm | Presentation Day & Awards Ceremony | UNM Student Union Theatre |
*Date, Time, and/or Location specifics TBA.